HoloLens Terrain Generation Demo Part 11 – Rendering Planes After another long delay, I’m back; and this time, with the ability to render surface planes.… direct3d, direct3d 11, directx, directx 11, height map, HoloLens, PlaneFinding, render, Spatial Mapping, terrain, UWP
HoloLens Terrain Generation Demo Part 10 – Converting Surface Mesh Data For Plane Finding Times like these, I really wish I had just tackled this whole HoloLens project in Unity.… direct3d, direct3d 11, directx, directx 11, height map, HoloLens, PlaneFinding, render, Spatial Mapping, terrain, UWP
HoloLens Terrain Generation Demo Part 9 – Handling Basic Gestures Last post, I ran into the problem of not having enough options for input as I… direct3d, direct3d 11, directx, directx 11, Gesture Recognition, height map, HoloLens, render, Spatial Mapping, SpatialGestureRecognizer, terrain, UWP
HoloLens Terrain Generation Demo Part 8 – Depth Only Rendering of Surface Meshes and Moving Some Code Around In today’s post, I’m going to look at enabling depth only rendering of the surface meshes.… direct3d, direct3d 11, directx, directx 11, height map, HoloLens, render, Spatial Mapping, terrain, UWP